GRACE plus One
Powered By Lotsa Helping HandsPowered By Lotsa Helping Hands

Set Password

To set or change your password, enter your email address. You will receive an email message within a few minutes, with instructions for completing the process.


Please note: If you are using a challenge/response spam prevention service, such as Earthlink’s Spam Blocker, our system will not be able to send you messages. In order to receive our messages, you need to add the address to your allowed email sender list (sometimes called a whitelist).

Return to sign-in

If you don’t have a member account or password yet, or to request help from the community:

Contact your Community Help Team

Having Trouble?

Having Trouble? We’re here to help.

Click on one of the links below to find an answer.

Help with your Community

Contact someone in your Community Help Team for any issues related to this Community.

Technical Support

For help using the system, we encourage you to read our help documentsi

Our Member Support Team is available to help you round the clock. Contact the Member Support Center for assistance.

Ideas? Feedback?

We regularly incorporate your suggestions and feedback into the Lotsa Helping Hands experience. We welcome your ideas and feedback.

Share your Story

Seeing the difference our Communities have made in people’s lives, we created The Story Project, a place for our members to share their personal stories in their own words. Tell us your story.

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